Photography captured my imagination at an early age. My dad was an avid film photographer. As a little girl I would peer over the counter in his dark room and quietly watch him develop his photographs. He would often let me help him in the last step of the process. Together we would watch the black and white image suddenly appear on paper. It was magic.

Photo Credit: Cari Dugan Photography

Photography tells our story.  As we walk this earth we want the steps of our journey to matter, to mean something.  We want our presence to outlast the journey, We don't want to forget how we loved and how we were loved because every story is a love story. 


photography should make you feel something.


Photographs eternalize the frailty of a single moment. That look your husband gives you right before he tells you he loves you, the way your newborn's hair felt on your cheek, the slobbery kiss from your one year old right after his meltdown, the way your partner tousles your hair when she's talking to you, the giggles your kids make when they just won't sit still, the chaos, the mess, the beauty, they are all pieces of your story of love on earth.

I love what I do. All these years later is still feels like magic.